
Field Trips

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  • 2014 – Field Trip Namibia In the thirty-five years that I have been involved with reptiles I have travelled more than one million kilometres in Africa in search of snakes, lizards, tortoises and frogs. This includes a trip to the Rwenzori mountains in Uganda with Dr. Colin Tilbury to find… Read More
  • November 2009 – Trip to Caprivi/Namibia with Aaron Bauer and Bill Branch 24 November 2009 – Tuesday 11:45 146252 km. Leaving home in Pretoria, heading for Bulawayo in Zimbabwe via Botswana. Went to Centurion to draw some money and purchased additional formalin. Read More
  • July 2009 – Koanaka Hills, Botswana When Patrick Lewis from Stan Houston State University contacted me to join him for another scientific trip to the Koanaka Hills in western Botswana, I was not too sure about it. I had gone through some tough times in business, and I was not sure… Read More
  • September 2006 – Trip to Namaqualand & Namibia We have been planning this trip for several months. Aaron Bauer and Todd Jackman have obtained some funding for their Geckos of the World phylogeny work and the idea is to visit the Northern Cape and Namibia to get several of the new gecko species… Read More
  • October 2005 – Mauritius Fishing Trip Getting ready for the trip to some islands in the Indian Ocean. Visited Ricko at Flyfishers Unlimited and picked up a bunch of flies, tippet material, sunglasses, goggles, etc. Quickly spent several thousand Rand - its amazing how one can dispose of money when you… Read More
  • July 2005 – Uganda Field Trip with Colin Tilbury 3 July 2005 09:25. Leave Johannesburg International Airport on flight SA 206 for Entebbe, Uganda. Colin's luggage weighed in at 22 kg and mine at 16 kg. Pleasant flight - we had a lot to chat about and read the Sunday papers. Read More
  • October / November 2003 – Niassa, Mozambique 07:45. 120865 km. About to leave Johannesburg for Maputo in Mozambique. We still have a bit of last minute shopping to do. We need some locks, plastic sheeting for the trap lines, a pool net for tadpoles and some batteries. Mo flew in yesterday and… Read More